jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012


Are you planning a trip to Italy?. Wonderful country full of history, art and culture manifest in every corner of geography. Rome, Florence, Venice ... fascinating places that you should not miss. Whether you plan to spend a long holiday as a break of three or four days there will be a series of information, advice and great deals that I offer, which I hope will serve as a help to organize your trip to Italy.

A journey through historyMany factors make know to Italy for its art and culture. Has been the basis of many human activities in prehistoric times has been so many archaeological remains found in different regions. After Greece, the Etruscan civilization and especially the Roman Empire, ruled for many centuries this part of the world. Then the medieval and Renaissance humanism helped the formation of European art.
It is impossible to travel a great distance in Italy without encountering reminders of the profound influence he has exercised his country on Western culture. The proud ruins of temples and theaters, triumphal arches to celebrate military glory, roads and aqueducts that reflected the civil prosperity, stand as symbols of the mighty Roman Empire at its peak, covered almost the entire known world.
In hundreds of archaeological sites, in more than 3000 museums scattered throughout the Italian territory are preserved and protected large and small archaeological remains of remote ages.There are so many artistic treasures and are so widespread throughout the country that can really be considered a gallery of outdoor art. No other country can boast of the treasures of art and culture that is Italy. Theatres and other buildings of Greek and Roman times, entire cities, streets and districts once buried and now returned to light thanks to excavations patient and skillful, temples, statues, coins, inscriptions, objects of daily use. Italy is extraordinarily rich in memories of his distant past. In the Italian regions, especially in the North Central, rise towering Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals built after 1000, while in the southern regions, the ancient religious architecture is a fascinating melting pot of elements Byzantines, Muslims and Normans. Moreover, Florence, Venice, Mantua and other ancient Italian cities embody the spirit of the Renaissance, the "new wisdom" that marked the transition between the medieval and the modern world, while in Rome, we can admire numerous examples of the styleBaroque in Europe.
To assimilate all that art and culture that we visit some of its most significant cities: Venice, Florence, Pisa and Rome.


Pisa with about 90,000 inhabitants, is a city of Tuscany, at the mouth of the Arno River inthe Mediterranean. It began as an Etruscan settlement and later became a Roman city.The region of Tuscany is located in central Italy, bordering the southern region of Lazio, Umbria to the east, Emilia-Romagna and Liguria to the north and the Tyrrhenian Sea to the west. It was the region where the Italian Renaissance produced its first results. Theheritage of this region includes architecture, painting and sculpture, works that are exhibited in dozens of museums.

By far the best known view of the city, is its leaning tower, which is one of many artisticand architectural structures in the Campo dei Miracoli or Field of Miracles to the north of the old city center, declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987 and which is said to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. It is the artistic and most important tourist Pisa. It has a huge expanse of lawn, surrounded by several buildings: the Cathedral, the Baptistery and the Campo Santo Leaning Tower.

Venice is the capital of the Veneto region and the city of canalsIt is located on a seriesof islands extending in a marshy lagoon in the Adriatic Sea, between the mouths of the rivers Po (south) and Piave (north) to the northeast of Italy.

Venice comprises 120 small islands joined together by bridges 800You get to Venice from the mainland by the Liberty Bridge accessing the Piazzale Roma.

In ancient times this region was inhabited by the Venetian peopleWhen the Germansbegan to invade Italy in the V century, people in some cities took refuge on these islands. Were established and came to have its own government headed by 12tribunes, as many as had major islandsAlmost from the beginning, this community wasautonomousand appointed a duke or doge. The charge was for life. The Bulldogs of the eighth and ninth centuries were able to maintain its authority in the Senate. They knew the world around themmaintained relations with East and West and knew what they wantedIts maximum growth and splendor was in the fifteenth century.

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